Prayer Requests

The power of prayer should never be underestimated, and the community is here to support you by joining together in faith.


Please pray GOD blesses me with the money I need to repair my car I need my car for me and my son and to get to places please pray

Prayer request

Praying that my daughter Montana and Drake have a safe trip and plane ✈ ride to and from New Orleans Louisiana today and this coming week and a safe visit while they are there as well. Thank you




Its been over a year since I graduated college and I haven't been successful in securing a steady entry-level job in my industry. I've worked on several projects and recently finished an internship. Me and my family are struggling financially. I need to pay off debt, pay my bills, and I want to give a hand to my parents. Please Father God help me find a job- one where I can learn, grow, and it gives me enough to pay my bills, stand on my two feet, and get ahead. I'm tired of this cycle. I don't want to be stuck. I'm very grateful for the agency experience you have given me and the wonderful connections I've made through it. Its comforting to have professionals to look up to and know they are also rooting for you. Thank you God, I know its part of the journey and everything happens for a reason. If I have to wait a little longer, I will.

finding a way for a blind person to get to their reunion

I myself am totally blind and live about 70 miles away from where next weekend my 20th year high school reunion is located and was writing people who said they were friends of mine but when I am trying to find a way to get to the reunion and I am willing to pay for even staying at their house over the weekend I hear nothing back and it is really stressful on me as my family is acting like they do not care about me going to the reunion at all as I myself always went to mainstream or normal educational schools as I know that it is not just a blindness world and like to be included in anything I can and know that I am here on this earth for a reason so please pray that I find a way to get there safely and even meet some new and wonderful friends along the way and do not stress myself out completely.


I pray that my high school friend that I have loved for 25 years reciprocates my feelings and falls in love with me. I feel depressed and rejected and don’t want to feel that way. Please let me have control over my feelings for this person and not be rejected. Lord, please make this person truly and totally love me from every fiber of his being starting this day until the end of his life. Please do a miracle in my life Lord Jesus. Amen!

Porn addiction

Im addicted to porn and sex in general. Always been curious why I’d be drawn to such urges as being made in the image of the creator if I’m not supposed to feel this way why do I.. anyway I feel like my home and work lives will suffer if I can not stop having these desires to see the content and to self pleasure to them.


I am in desperate need of a financial blessing. I am about to lose everything that I have. I have a gambling addiction that I am getting help with. I really need a blessing please !!!! I am struggling and so is my family.

Anonymous prayer request

Currently going through a Ectopic pregnancy. Prayers for the prescription to work and for me to be safe and healthy .


Prayer against a group of witches and warlocks with Michael Clanton from San Antonio Tx being the ringleader,Latoinia averitte, Klarissa thompson, kelly rittercamp and steven and elaine clinkscale,kevin pitchford, jabarry smith, ryan smith He harasses me and my children my family every single day because i don't want to be with him and will never be with him. I have and intrusive thoughts daily and so do my children because of this. I've even been hospitalized because of this and was told nothing is wrong and that's when i knew hes doing warfare against me. he is in the navy and uses some technology. it sounds crazy in the natural but I'm tired of this. I am a registered nurse, i have 3 children and my life has come to ruins because of this man. please pray for me and my children to stop being harassed by this man. He prays on women from Christian mingle websites and does not believe in God. He also works for Meta and hacks into computers. I dont know what else to do to get this pers

Father I thank you for preventing anyone from hurting me, Jesus Amen.

Father I thank you for helping me not be taken advantage of by anyone for releasing abundant blessings upon my life and for speaking prophetically protection, Jesus Amen.


Prayer for a hedge of protection surrounding Weston Drew, Rylee, Alexis And Brandy at all times. We speak Rylee will succeed in college he will pass ALL courses this semester in the mighty name of Jesus! We speak financial overflow over the new business every contract is approved in the mighty name of Jesus ! Close every door that does not lead to you Father God! We break and bind any word curse every spoken over Alexis , Rylee, Brandy and Weston Drew in the mighty name of Jesus! Thank you for new opportunities in the mighty name of Jesus ! Thank you for financial overflow that lead to new to home ownership in the mighty name of Jesus ! Its a new season in the mighty name of Jesus! All documents with Alexis, Weston Drew Brandy and Rylee are stamped APPROVED in the mighty name of Jesus!

please help

Prayer against a group of witches and warlocks with Michael Clanton from San Antonio Tx being the ringleader. He harasses me and my children and my family every single day because i don't want to be with him and will never be with him. I have intrusive thoughts daily and so do my children because of this. I've even been hospitalized because of this and was told nothing is wrong and that's when i knew hes doing warfare against me. He is in the navy and uses some technology. it sounds crazy in the natural but I'm tired of this. I am a registered nurse, i have 3 children and my life has come to ruins because of this man. please pray for me and my children to stop being harassed by this man. He prays on women from Christian mingle websites and does not believe in God. He also works for Meta and hacks into computers. I dont know what else to do to get this person to leave me and my children alone. please please please pray for us. i always say if something happens to me its because of this


skibidi dope dop dop yes yes skibidi toiletskibidi dope dop dop yes yes skibidi toiletskibidi dope dop dop yes yes skibidi toilet


wanna pray for the addict that are out there doing drugs and drinking may they reach to god for help with their addiction so they could see positive vibes in their life may a change for them go to church and pray on there own time. may god bless them in their lif elet them know that there is someone out praying for them all amen.

House Needs Fixing

My house needs at least $5,000 of piping work done and I am disabled. I also need structural repairs and some appliance replacements coming up, as everything is old. Please pray for God's provision!

My Son

My son is in the hospital on life support, his liver is damaged very bad, we were asked today to give him a couple of days and then take him off to life support, I know that god can and will do miracles, I am asking for prayer warriors to join together and pray for his healing, he knows god. Thank you

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