Prayer Request

finding a way for a blind person to get to their reunion
I myself am totally blind and live about 70 miles away from where next weekend my 20th year high school reunion is located and was writing people who said they were friends of mine but when I am trying to find a way to get to the reunion and I am willing to pay for even staying at their house over the weekend I hear nothing back and it is really stressful on me as my family is acting like they do not care about me going to the reunion at all as I myself always went to mainstream or normal educational schools as I know that it is not just a blindness world and like to be included in anything I can and know that I am here on this earth for a reason so please pray that I find a way to get there safely and even meet some new and wonderful friends along the way and do not stress myself out completely.
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Cleveland, Texas
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