What the Bible Says about Living the Healthiest Lifestyle Possible
The Bible makes it clear that believers are meant to care for both their spirits and their bodies. Paul clearly states in 1 Corinthians 3 that believers are the “temple of God” as God’s Spirit dwells in them. He later states in 1 Corinthians 6 that believers should “glorify God in the body and spirit” as both belong to God.
What Does a Healthy, Bible-Based Physical Lifestyle Look Like?
Each person is an individual, which means that what constitutes healthy living for one person may not be a good option for another individual. Age, state of health, physical circumstances, and a host of other factors come into play when creating a healthy lifestyle plan. Even so, the following pointers can apply to people of all ages and walks of life.
Eating Right
- Eat a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid processed foods and foods with a high sugar content.
- Drink at least eight cups of water a day. Water not only keeps the body hydrated but also removes toxins. Avoid sugary beverages such as soda.
- Drink alcohol in moderation, or not at all. Alcohol isn’t evil in itself, after all, Jesus Himself made wine as His first miracle. However, those who have problems with alcoholism, are taking medications, and/or are struggling to lose weight may want to abstain.
- Avoid crash diets or fast weight loss schemes. While being overweight is bad for one’s health, crash dieting is counterproductive as it deprives the body of needed nutrients while lowering
- metabolic rates to make it difficult or even impossible to shed pounds in the future.
- Each person should choose a healthy form of exercise is line with his or her health and abilities. Consulting a doctor before starting a new exercise program is important, especially if one has a health condition and/or has not exercised regularly for some time.
- It is advisable to exercise at least three days a week, for at least a half-hour at a time. Ideally, one will want to make time to exercise every day.
- The average adult needs at least seven hours of sleep each night. Getting enough sleep at night not only keeps the body healthy but also reduces stress.
- Make time before bed to relax in order to get a good night’s sleep. Avoid stressful conversations, TV shows, or intense novels before bed. Instead, use the time to talk with a loved one, read the Bible or a devotional book, or pray.
What Does a Healthy, Bible-Based Spiritual Lifestyle Look Like?
The spiritual aspect of a healthy lifestyle cannot be ignored. Caring for the body without caring for the spirit is like cleaning the outside of the house while leaving the inside dirty. Following are some ways to keep the spirit strong and healthy.
Positive Attitude
- Fear and worry cause not only spiritual health problems but also physical ones. That’s why the Bible repeatedly tells us, “Fear not”.
- Believers are also repeatedly instructed to praise the Lord and think positive thoughts. Doing so not only reduces stress and worry but also benefits overall physical health and well-being.
Care for Others
The Golden Rule makes it clear that believers are meant to treat others as they would like to be treated. Jesus emphasized this point in Matthew 22 when he stated that “all the law and the prophets” could be summed up in the commandments to love God and love others.
Caring for others is an integral part of a healthy, Bible-based lifestyle. There are many ways to put this command into practice, including:
- Take time with family members to let them know they are loved, valued, and appreciated
- Volunteer to help the less fortunate
- Make financial contributions to needy, worthy causes
- Offer to help family members and friends as needed. A car ride for an infirm neighbor, an offer to take on some extra work for a busy colleague, or babysitting a friend’s child as needed are small yet meaningful acts of kindness that can have a lasting impact on the beneficiaries.
The Bible makes it clear that believers are to try to live the healthiest lifestyle possible. At the same time, the definition of such a lifestyle is vastly different from a secular one as it involves not only caring for the body but also caring for the spirit by living in accordance with Jesus’ teachings.
It will take time, work, and sacrifice to reach this goal, but the end result is sure to be worth it. A healthy, Bible-based lifestyle makes for a life well-lived, one that a person can look back on without regrets.