Prayer Request

USA Israel
.Father, You instructed us to pray for those in authority, and we liftup JBiden. We pray that JBiden will abide under that same covering. We extend the common honor to JBiden that has beenascribed to all in his position. God, we thank You for placing favor on the highest office in ourland. We ask for Your protection for JBiden and his family. We bind attacks from the Aryan Nation, covert Naziorganizations, skinheads or any other racist group that hates and targets Jewish people. We bind allterrorist assignments from local, national and internationalconspiracies against JBiden, government and otherpolitical leaders.Father, we ask You to reveal Your Son, Jesus, to JBiden asthe only way to God. We ask You to cause him to have a Saul-to-Paul experience. Release the pricks and goads upon his heart at an accelerated pace so that his heart will turn to the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Deliver him and let himexperience a genuine new birth in his spirit. God, deal with JBiden about t
Name: Anonymous
City/State: DC
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