Prayer Request

When I started praying more and getting closer to God I noticed Satan trying to stop it. Coming home from Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, I was stopped at a light and the car in front of me had 666 in it's license plate; then I went home and my computer (where I get my prayers, broke. On the way to bring in my computer I was behind another car with 666 in the plate. I made Novenas surrendering to God and trusting Him to take care of everything, and bad things kept happening. I had planned on attending several Holy week services but was suddenly down with an attack of sciatica and could not walk and thus could not go to the services. I had taken medicine and truly trusted God to take care of this and the sciatica returned and I couldn't go. I asked God on several occasions to help me to walk just enough to get to Church and/or my medical appointments but I couldn't go. I ask God to show me the how He wants me to serve Him but I don't seem to get any answers, just more questio
City/State: LAS VEGAS
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