Prayer Request

Thank You Lord
I am a single mother of 2 beautiful sons. I am requesting prayer for my children and I, as well as, my mother and brother. I pray God shields and protects my family. I pray he heals our relationship and overcomes battles and obstacles in our lives. Pray that he mends the broken pieces and the rocky paths in our lives. I pray he brings my children back in my home and he guides and protects us from all harm and evil in this world. The Lord knows our situation and many prayers for his angels to watch over and protect my children. Put faith, love, hope and contentment in our lives and heart. Lord please heal my family and I and make us whole again. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear and tongues to speak in your precious glory. Praying for anyone struggling and those in need of uplifting. Jesus precious name AMEN.
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Corbin
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