Prayer Request

Self love, worth, healing and confidence in self
I struggle with self worth and value. I am doing my best to be a mom, work 60+ hours a week and balance life. I have a great partner and a very good older female friend who are helping me balance life. However, when I make a mistake or mix things up (mostly due to trauma brain), I can't seem to let things go and flow, to just learn and grow from the mistakes. I continually beat myself up for my "stupidity " in the moment. I don't have the bad or wrong things happen intentionally, they are honest mistakes but I truly, deeply struggle with staying calm in some if the situations and letting it go when I need to. I struggle to give it to Jesus, to offering my own suffering fir something greater. I'm asking for prayers to accept myself, forgive myself and to be able to brush off my mistakes and go on about life. I'm asking for prayers to remain calm in my job and to guide me to where God needs me. Thank you 😊
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Pierz, MN, USA
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