Please help me lord I'm tired Im lost I'm disabled everything is so expensive mydivorce he's living with the cheater that broke my marriage ( takes 2) he won't don't have to help me financially I go for days eating very little I need help signing up to see if I qualify foodstamps my parents passed within last 2 years I feel so alone My gas and electric most likely will be shut off I don't understand how they read my meter I wear sweatshirts with sweater etc keep heat on 66 my home we owned had it built heat was 70 I unplug any & everything I'm not using it's just me 365 bucks last month bill I'm getting behind on alot but I pay as much I can when I was on payment plan they charged 100 a month 47 on my bill remaining amount towards back bill How ? > apply for foodstamps they sent my card said it would be already loaded nothing on my new card I've never realized I want to know how do buy enough food to last the month I'm disabled and even prayed f or grocery divorced from 33 year marriag