Hello, I would truly appreciate prayers for my husband James Terzis. He is a patient at NorthShore Hospital in Glenview, IL. He went to the ER on Thursday, February 22nd, 2024 for jaundice and because he wasn’t feeling well. He was admitted to the hospital at approximately 1 am on Friday, February 23rd and has been here since. His liver is not well and is inflamed. He was prescribed steroids to treat the inflammation and we were told he needs to improve by the 28th or else he will need a transplant. Over the days we’ve been told by some doctors that his liver levels are slowly improving, but then this morning the liver doctor made notes on the patient portal that he didn’t believe the steroids would be successful. I am so afraid I’m going to lose my husband, and all my family is on the east coast so I don’t have a lot of support around me. I would so appreciate prayers, I feel like we need a healing miracle.