Prayer Request

prayer for all
My prayer for the world is so many go by their convictions what they see is Christ-centered because we did not get these teachings in other parts of the bible we have been limited to only thinking a certain way like the man has to be the leader while the woman gets no respect that wanted all of us to be so perfect and we are not perfect none of us were but Jesus. our thoughts of order and control have messed us up in so many ways. our justice system that takes you away the only thing we have that is the best thing we have is time and they take it from many. we do not need some one to tell us what they want for our lives we don't need a mother with just good intent and morales when the morals have not been this morale. the power these romans joking have over our lives needs to not be the fearmongers that are or want you to be afraid of everything so you can't enjoy life say if you live in a way you dont have jesus. you do not kill anyone the people on drugs are killing their self fin.
Name: Anonymous
City/State: cartersville
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