Prayer Request

My request is for my former employers. Their names are Dave and Lori Cummings. Dave is having serious heart issues and was scheduled for a heart ablation on 10/23/23, but he went into cardiac arrest the previous Tuesday afternoon at the office. His wife and secretary had to give him chest compressions to resuscitate him. He made it, but now they're no longer doing the ablation because he now needs a transplant. Please pray for his heart, health, time, and whatever else the Spirit may lead you to pray for. I've also been praying for comfort, peace, and that the Holy Spirit would calm Lori's nerves. I, Stephen Clark, just want to be closer with the Father thru his son Jesus and want to know him more. I will accept any and all prayers as well. Thank you, God bless you and I love you all!
Name: Stephen
City/State: Kansas City
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