Prayer Request

Pray for me, an idiot who smoked weed and now has to pray to pass test
I'm an idiot I live in California right now and it's legal but I would lean on marijuana and I'm just so happy that I'm off of it but I got a job offer that I didn't know I was going to get and I'm so excited but I took my drug test and I just need Jesus to come and turn that water into wine or JI'm an idiot I live in California right now and it's legal but I would lean on marijuana and I'm just so happy that I'm off of it but I got a job offer that I didn't know I was going to get and I'm so excited but I took my drug test and I just need Jesus to come and turn that water into wine or Just I don't know give me a break. I'm struggling financially with my family, this is all my fault. I don't want to rely on that stuff anymore and I feel great being off of it. I used it to chill out and go to sleep. Like an idiot I don't want to disappoint people or myself or my son I just need help here please I'm begging I don't have any desire to go back to that stuff. I want to have clarity in my li
Name: Philip
City/State: Milwaukee, WI, USA
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