Prayer Request

Post narcissistic abuse, existential crisis, PTSD, grief, suicide
I boldly left my marriage to the man I thought I had loved. He turned out to be very controlling and psychologically abusive. For years I thought I was crazy but that was because he was intentionally making it seem that way. When I left he took everything from me! Our home, his children that I raised, the dogs, our one and only daughter, all the money, the vehicles, and everything in between. He isolated me and turned everyone against me. I'm alone with nothing, no one, and very little hope. I lost my one and only baby girl to lies! The courts are convinced I'm an abusive mother. He is using the court system to continue his abuse. My heart can't breathe! I've been out in the world by myself fighting to just stay alive but I'm hardly hanging on. He supervises my visits with my daughter. He's psychologically abusive to her too! I can't get out of this grief! I'm living a nightmare that's choking the life out of me! Hopelessness is trying to push me to an early grave. I need God!
Name: Veronica
City/State: Moultrie, GA, USA
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