Prayer Request

Need prayer
I need urgent prayer for my son coen and nephews devin and kieren keearn Keelan who is addicted to alcohol and drugs i need urgent prayer for coen who is under the influence of alcohol in my house he's giving me a very hard time he won't go to sleep just coming to my room giving me cheek swearing and yelling he's very violence towards me I'm afraid of him i can't sleep because he's going off in my house please pray that coen would just sober up and go to sleep without been told i need urgent prayer that he's body would just get so tired and cold that he just go to sleep please pray for peace over my house and also need urgent prayer for safety and protection over my house and no trouble also need urgent prayer to be set free from any witchcraft curse to be removed from coen please pray for me and my son and all my family
Name: Cherylene
City/State: Charters Towers QLD, Australia
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