Prayer Request

Marriage Restoration
Husband a 31 years filed for divorce last July We attempted reconciliation last winter for 3 months He took the rest the reconciliation away this past April so here we are back at divorce again I do not want this divorce I am just praying that God will give us another chance to make it right this time and put him at the head of the relationship and do it the way that glorifies and honors him. Praise God soften his heart and make him see that I need him and he needs me We have been married for 31 years today He just seems so cold like I don't even know him anymore Our children are grown so we don't have to worry about them as much My health is not the best He carries the health insurance which I will lose if this divorce goes through but I'm ready to forgive him and forget everything and start over and do this marriage the way it should be done I just need him to want to work it out and come home. Thank you for allowing me to submit this prayer request
Name: Crisp
City/State: Kingsport, TN, USA
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