Prayer Request

Lost love, yet still lingers
I have been in a relationship with a woman who I was friends with since we were 12 years old. We were together for 4 years but that last year I feel like there was spiritual interference between us, I don't know if we were unintentionally fearing from God's path for us or what; We separated and she ended up getting into another relationship with someone she had a trauma bond with in the past, she recently left him for being abusive and we started reconnecting but it seems as if she is emotionally confused which is also confusing me. I have always loved her and cared for her and one of the best for her, part of me felt like we could have been soulmates, I am asking that if it is God's will that we are supposed to be in each other's lives again and possibly back together to please help make it so, but if not then give me the strength to move on as well as give her the strength to find someone who will treat her with the love and respect she deserves and more.
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Ocala
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