Prayer Request

Hello I am J and I am a single mom two kids one a son has autistic,and personality disorder and sometimes he gets violent and I can't do anything to stop him because he gets violent,and abusive. My other kid my 12 year old daughter I find out my step dad had molested her at five and now she has anger issues,self esteem issues,and hates school. so I request for prayer for them for help, guidance,and calmness,and their life to get back on track. I also ask for prayer for me to help me help them,and for myself as I have family but they really are not much help at all and I feel helpless. we live in a junky house which I am slowly trying to fix while trying to help my kids,and help make a living there is just so much stress,Please pray for us thank you.
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Largo
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