Prayer Request

I’m lost but I’m losing my light and I’m not sure if I want it anymore
Lord I've been trying and trying to get ahead to get out of the run I've been in my life I want to see my son more I want to have a home my home was taken away from me after my dad died and our business I'm not that employable because oflearning disabilities and underdeveloped damaged frontal lobe I'm trying my hardest I'm set to be homeless soon I don't have transportation I'm trying my hardest Lord please give me the strength to do what I need to do give me a boost in life in the right areas so I can get what I need to live a successful life and be able to see my 15 year old son I don't ever see that I missed a lot of his life because of my own problems I'm just asking you to give me the strength to help myself and my son I don't know what to do anymore I don't want to to ever do this again I just miss my dad I can't have him back I am lost I have a light but I am lost truly and I feel like I'm going to lose my light and never get back it back
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Kaleva
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