Prayer Request

How can I help my daughter to know God?
I've been struggling to lead my twelve year old to God. I'm trying to lead by example without being too forceful. Overall, she's a good kid but has expressed interest in Greek Mythology and thinks it's real. She hasn't said she doesn't believe in God but that she isn't interested in learning about Him because "it doesn't matter." I gave her a spiritual journal for Christmas that she had been using. This morning, all pages she had written on were in the trash and she had covered every page with a satanic symbol, the devil's number and name. I'm at a loss. I don't think she is satanic - I think someone she must think is cool or cute is this way. I just don't know how to let her know that even writing these things can welcome the devil into our home. I don't know what to do anymore
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Bridge City, Texas, USA
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