Prayer Request

Financial Miracle
Hello my name is Andrew Lewis I just lost my job and have a huge financial hardship that i need a miracle to overcome. Pray that God would provide me with a new job and the money to get through this month. I have Faith in the Lord that he will provide I need about 3,000 dollars to make my bills. I also am going through a DUI case that has taken so much of my money and have paid most of it but still am going through it adding an immense amount of pressure on me that God would grant me the strength to make all the payments and all the classes that i need to attend. Pray God would also speak to me and show me which job to get and he would open the right door to a new opportunity. Without Gods help i could lose my car and my housing and am in full dependency on Him.
Name: Andrew
City/State: Huntington Beach, CA, USA
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