Prayer Request

Financial and vehicle problem
As I come to you humble and kind as always I really want to be blessed and prayed for like it's my first but God knows more. My emotionas is all over the place but my heart is always the same when it's comes to the almighty Jesus Christ, he knows my heart when no one else does and I've been truly been blessed because 1st thing he does is wake me up everyday so I'm thankful for it all, I was raised up christian and I went to church with my grandma every Sunday morning and I tell you all them tears and prayers is the reason I'm still alive and breathing so I would be grateful and blessed to have actually real christian folks and good people in this world to pray for me and my FINANCIAL problem but God knows my heart and soul so as I type this and cry I'd be even blessed for prayers so thank you guys so much and more for it all & have a great night and a blessed weekend. THANK GOD.
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Red Springs, NC, USA
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