Prayer Request

We are struggling financailly more and more every month. We tythe and pray. My husband is on SS, when covid hit it hit him hard, he was in the hospital for 2 and half months and on the vent for a lot of that time. He had cancer a few years a go and had to have his bladder removed, I have stayed home with him instead of working outside. We foolishly went in debt with 3 loan companys, so with those and our regular bills we have to over draw our account to have money for food and gas and meds. Next month will be worse, we are already over drawn, I have to go to Charleston for a consult with a heart dr. to discuss a procedure that i will have to have, My nephew is getting married, so we have to buy clothes to wear and we want to be able to give a gift, I handle the bills and paying them because my husband cannot read. I hate to burden him and tell him all of this, although he does know we have it bad. I've prayed and tried to have faith, but I need more prayers. Thank you for praying
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Greenville, SC
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