Prayer Request

Feeling alone and heart broken
I was dating someone for almost 3 years, and we broke things off about a year ago due to us not having the financial means to star a life together. We were very serious and talking about marriage and kids. Despite us breaking up we were still always around each other. I would still be spending time with her family, and there would still be moments with a lot of affection and vulnerability; sometimes it felt like we were still in a relationship. This lead me to feel that we might be able to work things out and be together again. She recently asked me if I would always be in her life, and then told me that she started seeing someone else pretty seriously but still wanted me in her life. I can't help but feel used. I poured myself out to her but told her that I couldn't be in her life if she was going to be getting involved with someone else. I need prayers for clarity in this situation and help healing. If this person is not in the Lord's plan for me, then please let the desire leave me.
Name: Ulises
City/State: Orem, UT, USA
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