Prayer Request

I need prayers for my family today. I feel my faith being tested all the time as I reach out to my family to share my relationship with God our Father and His Son together in His Spirit with them and, yet, they still do not choose to live in the fullness of our salvation in Christ Jesus. I know hesitation is not a good thing and so I ask all to continue to pray for unity in all family relationships in my life. Pray for restoration in God's creation to bring His glorious light ever so shining in this dark world. It begins with us true believers and Christians today. So please keep praying as I have become a prayer warrior myself these past several years. God is not slow on His promises, He just has so much patience for each and every one of us to come to repentance. Repent of all sins and ask for forgiveness each day and God is so good to do all that He says He will do for us. Choose life in Jesus and to be more like Him each day in holiness. My family needs saving. Thank you.
Name: Christina
City/State: West Jefferson
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