Prayer Request

Ex Girlfriend
For my ex girlfriend, Mackenzie Smith, that if the Lord wills He will bring us closer together, bring us back together in a loving relationship and help us to communicate better. That the Lord will give her clarity with the problems she needs to work on with herself for our relationship to work and that it will go from her head to her heart as to what she needs to fix. For guidance, wisdom and counsel. Someone to guide her to be the woman God Wants her to be. That the Lord will heal her heart and ease her of her burdens and that the Lord will dispell all the fear she has and replace it with love and peace. That the Lord will break down her walls so that she's not so defensive twords me and twords God. May the Holy Spirit soften her heart twords me and be open to me, and also open to the Holy Spirit and open to me leading her in our relationship. That she will be able to trust herself to make good decisions
Name: Andrew
City/State: St. Charles
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