Prayer Request

Please pray for my mom. She's been criticizing me sense I was born. To go give understanding to teach and show her ways and her words for my kids father as well god can turn it around for him and for his family and parents to give them understanding to stop with the. One sided I also need prayers for myself and my children and dog for god to help. Me fight my battles. To help fight. Friendsip battles. Family battles. Love battles. Fight battles with my kids father father and his family battles and people places and things in the spiritual realm to fight for battles for my childrens and dog as well. I am. Asking god. For a car and financial break through so that one day I can bless others I'm on my own here everyone is just against me need prayers for god to close old chapters. In my life to open new chapters in my nad my kids lifee and dog. I also like prayers for my dog. So I can find a good vet out here. Thatcna work with us I pray real things
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Albany
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