Prayer Request

I need prayers. I m being labled as a bad friend I am being labled as a bad person a bad mom. I am getting bullied from my firends. I am getting. Bullied from my mom. I am being labled as. A lier. I am being labled as. A gossiper I am being labled all things in the book. My mom is negative very much friend family my firends my kids dad all in his family everyone is lying on each other so they all can cover. Themselves. Fincial. Is hitting hard on me. My firends family all throw us in the dark. There is dramas negative. She or he says manipultions . my firends are getting. Used by there own friends woman and female I'm the one who is being the bad guy in all I mesed up and I say I messed up they all laugh at me what I have and dog have they all give me the cold shoulders. They all punish me bc everyone is allowed to make mistakes and do all crazy and mean things ect to each other when I do it the world is on fire or something I need this to stop please pray 🥰💖
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Georgia, USA
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