Prayer Request

Desperately need prayer for my husband
My husband has been in recovery (from addiction) for 2 years now,me for 9. In the past 2 yrs my husband COMPLETELY turned his life around & has done everything right. But the judicial system is SO convoluted & COMPLETELY unfair & once you're in it it's nearly impossible to finally break free of it's grip, EVEN when you do everything right! Because of that,& due to what others call absolute, HORRIBLE luck, he's been incarcerated since may and was supposed to come home in Oct. Now because of paperwork & red tape & again "horrible luck", it'll likely be another 6 mos if there's no divine intervention. I have NEVER asked for prayer like this, but we both are in such a dark place. Having hope only seems to make it hurt more when the opposite happens. I know God has a plan & we're not to question it. But..we need help. Please. God Bless.
Name: Rita
City/State: Winchester
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