Prayer Request

Please pray for salvation of my dear friend Cheyenne. She has heard my testimony and I’ve tried to give a clear gospel presentation but She is rejecting God and Jesus indirectly claiming science as her reason for unbelief but she won’t open up further for discussion. I believe she is mixed up in the LGBTQ agenda as well. I’m pretty sure she has some unaddressed childhood abuse traumas. Please pray for her heart to be softened. Please pray the veils that Satan has placed over her heart and mind be torn away by the power of the Cross and the power of Jesus’ spirit. Pray that every spiritual and emotional blinder and veil keeping Cheyenne from seeing God in the face of Jesus Christ be burned away. Pray she seek the help she needs. Pray for spiritual brothers sisters mothers and fathers to come alongside her. Pray that she would speak to me again rather than avoiding. Pray for her to have continued divine appointments that point her again and again to Jesus. Thankyou
Name: Tyler
City/State: North Platte, NE, USA
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