Prayer Request

As a 3-month coma thriver through His Power, I'm working to secure a mobility chair to teach school as a substitute at Beaumont Independent School District (BISD) as Gov. Abbott appointed in 2017 through our Purchasing from People with Disabilities Program. This will resolve BISD TX Health & Human Services Case 1032914860-1037368375, BISD EEOC Incident No. 220606-000819, etc. Securing our CFDA 93.761 Evidence Based Fall Prevention Program HHS-2020-ACL-AOA-FGSG-0372 512-380-4300 has been difficult, as 4.1.18 ACL TBI Federal Coordination Plan Mrs. Forrest, 202-795-7604/357-3426, Mrs. Fink, [email protected], as Mrs. Barnett, [email protected] has been difficult.
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Beaumont
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