Learning to Listen: Developing Good Habits for Hearing from God
God does not only speak to us through the Word. He also speaks to us through our thoughts and intuition. And learning how to listen to God will make you holier, wiser, and more confident. Here are some tips that will help you discern God’s voice. Develop these habits now to hear from God!
Recognize Your Connection With God
If you have a best friend, you probably know what it feels like to be a human diary. They tell you every little story and comment in their life because it gives both of you a sense of connection.
Would you believe me if I told you that God created you because He wants to connect and build a relationship with you? The best way to hear from Him is by forming an engaging and meaningful friendship. He will be present as He talks to you every moment of your life.
Examine Your Deep Beliefs
Developing an excellent habit of hearing from God will allow you to listen better to Him. For example, you have to face and overcome your doubts about your faith. Otherwise, believing God won’t talk to you will make it troubling for you to actually hear Him.
Surrender every intrusive thought, doubt, and deep-seated belief to Him. Over time, God will reveal Himself clearly to you.
Learn How to be Quiet
“My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him.” – Psalm 62:5
It’s easy to be distracted by the hustle and bustle of daily life. With too many things happening, it becomes challenging to listen to God. You can only hear God’s voice if you know how to be quiet. Cultivating peace or silence in a noisy and busy world is gold. While you can’t always control the external noise, you can manage your internal noise.
Ask Why You Want to Hear From God
Why do you want to listen to God? What are your motives for wanting to hear His voice? Is there a specific message you want Him to tell you? It’s essential to reflect on these questions so that God will be in action to fulfill your needs. But remember that God does not always share to you what you wish to hear. He tells you what you have to hear.
Read the Bible
“Grass dries up, and flowers wither, but our God’s word will last forever.” – Isaiah 40:8
Developing a connection with God may come in the form of reading the Bible. After all, it is God’s Word and message to us. While it may not have been delivered orally by God, it was written by Him through different people and the Holy Spirit. Reading at least one Bible story daily will draw you closer to Him.
Stay Humble
“I can do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.” John 5:30.
Listening to God from an arrogant perspective will not help you receive the right message. Instead, being humble is critical. You don’t get to choose whether He communicates with you or not. God has the power to deliver His message at the perfect time.
Ask Help From the Holy Spirit
Unlike human communication, God’s way of communicating with us is breathing and having a life of its own. That’s because His Word is active with the help of the Holy Spirit. Pray to the Holy Spirit to open your ears and heart as you try to comprehend what God tells you.
Once you do this, you’ll see the difference between God’s voice and the rest of the noise because of the clarity, wisdom, and holiness the Holy Spirit has given you.
Recognize His Voice in All the Noise
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” James 1:19
Stop your anxiety, anger, sadness, and despair. Have the strength to surrender these battles to God, and you will quickly distinguish His voice from the rest. Remember that God’s words agree with the Bible and His goodness.