How God’s Word Can Guide Your Decision On Getting Married
God’s word is “the rule of faith and life.” It guides us in every matter of life, being our firm foundation. When facing one of the biggest decisions in life — whether and whom to marry — you certainly want to look at the Bible for guidance.
Encouraging People to Marry
First and foremost, the Bible clearly encourages marriage while recognizing that some won’t marry.
Marriage is recognized throughout the Bible as a gift from God. He instituted it before the Fall in Genesis 1-2. It’s referenced as being of God in the New Testament: “What therefore God has joined together…” (Mark 10:9).
Even today, marriage within the church is performed as a covenant that’s witnessed in the presence of God. Christians continue to marry in the church, usually during a worship service.
Paul mentions not marrying, but recognizes it as not evil “But if you do marry, you have not sinned” (1 Corinthians 7:28). Other inspired writers frame the union in a positive light (rather than not-negative), and strongly point people toward this very real representation fo the gospel. Two people loving each other unconditionally for life shows a little glimpse of what God’s love is like.
Marrying a Christian
As for who to marry, the Bible has surprisingly little to say about the exact person. You won’t find a clear indication that you ought to marry Julie or Jacob, although such indications can come through prayer.
The one guideline comes from Paul, who says to marry a Christian. “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers” references how difficult melding a Christian and non-Christian life together is (2 Corinthians 6:14). Nonetheless, a Christian spouse can live with a non-Christian one — and is a powerful witness when they do.
You shouldn’t specifically seek out a non-Christian spouse if you aren’t yet married. Don’t fret if you do. Your life may be more challenging, but the gospel is seen in that challenge.
Great Freedom to Choose
When it comes to deciding whether that specific someone is the right person to marry, we often overlook just how much freedom there is in Christ. There is great freedom throughout much of life provided you live within the guidance that the Bible does offer.
Just as you can choose any legal profession that’s God-honoring, you have similar choice when looking for or considering a spouse. Julie, Jacob or Jebediah are each suitable in God’s sight.
The freedom to choose whomever stems from recognizing how God treats his people. He chooses all types of people, and we all are equal within his church.
The implication is that you don’t have to be bound by class, education, ethnicity, wealth or any other factors we often consider. If someone’s good enough for God, he says they’re good enough for you. You can follow your heart if you choose.
We All Marry Jesus
As Christians, the ultimate person that we all are married to is Jesus. In Heaven, we “neither marry nor be (are) married” to each other (Matthew 22:30). We altogether are the bride of Christ, and he the bridegroom of the church.