How Faithful Are You? Exploring the Depths of Our Spiritual Connection to God
God is very faithful to us no matter what we do. In return, it’s also essential to stay faithful to Him. But how do we explore the depths of our spiritual connection to Him? I will show you all you need to learn about how to grow spiritually closer to God.
What Does it Mean to be Faithful to God?
Showing faithfulness to God will never be the same as Him showing devotion to us. As a faithful God, He loves, leads, and guides us. But as faithful Christians, we trust that He will love, lead, and guide us. There is no need for us to be perfect, but we must consistently rely on God and His promises.
To be faithful also means we acknowledge the truth of the Scriptures. Even if we don’t have the same talents or circumstances, we are capable of exercising faith. And because of that, we bear good fruit.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” – Galatians 5:22-23
Examples of Faith in the Bible
There are many stories of faith in the Bible. But two remain remarkable.
Joshua in the Bible
“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:7
Joshua did what God commanded him. That’s why the Israelites held him in high regard. The Bible also mentioned that God only regarded Joshua’s voice.
Peter in the Acts
Another famous biblical story is Pentecost. After the Holy Spirit appeared in tongues of fire, Peter became bold. He repented after denying his faith and started establishing the Church with Jams and other apostles.
How God Assesses Our Faith
God evaluates our faith based on our obedience to His commands and our values. Remember that faithfulness goes beyond being excellence, showing leadership, or making an impact to society.
A devoted Christian should know how to make their life count by being a good person. For example, possessing the value of hope will allow us to remember that the world and our situations can be better if we trust God enough.
Another value you may consider is humility. Make sure you consider other people’s opinions and interests before yours. Our faithfulness depends on our ability to resist the modern culture’s individualistic values. Stop asking, “What’s in it for me? How will this benefit me?” Instead, ask yourself, “How can I use this to serve Christians and God better?”
Lastly, God assesses our faith based on the promises we can and cannot keep. While He knows we’re not perfect, God checks whether we are dedicated to maintaining a spiritual connection with Him. After all, God’s word tells us that faith is all about doing it if you say it because actions speak louder than words!
“It is a trap to dedicate something rashly and only later to consider one’s vows” – Proverbs 20:25
How to Show Faithfulness
You can deepen your relationship with God in several ways. One way is to choose to do what is moral at all times.
Even if it feels like everyone is against you or everyone will ridicule you, you need to choose what is right all the time. Jesus Himself was persecuted because of His love for God. But like Him, we are chosen by God even if we are rejected by humans.
Make decisions that will please God during the most challenging times. In other words, avoid sin. Don’t be scared about what other individuals will assume of you.
Another way to explore the depth of your spiritual connection with God is to be in a community with other believers. God asks us to love our neighbors because He is present in them. This goes past the corners of the church. Guarantee that you will lend a helping hand to people who need help and transmit the gospel to them.
Fellow Christians will help you stay accountable for your faith. They will remind you of God’s unending love in this sinful world.