How Can God’s Words Help You With Your Daily Life
God’s love is everywhere, but sometimes daily life seems to get in the way of all the joy He brings. There are work assignments and chores to be done, car problems to sort out, and bills to pay. All of those things can feel overwhelming and stressful, and they can get in the way of taking time to see the blessings we all have.
Fortunately, there are a lot of ways that God’s word can help you with your day-to-day life. Keeping Him close to you as you go about your day helps you focus on what really matters.
God Gives You Strength to Lean On
No matter what you’re going through, God is aware of your struggles. He knows if your boss isn’t treating you well, or if you have creditors asking for money. He knows if you don’t feel well, but don’t have the money to go to a doctor, or if you’re just overwhelmed trying to get the kids ready for school and yourself to work on time.
Whether things are going wrong in your life or there’s just a lot going on, God knows what will help you feel better again. Listen to Him, and focus on His words of comfort. Take a few minutes to look around you, at all He has created, and know that we’re all a part of something so much bigger.
God Hears Your Silent Prayers
You can lean on the Lord’s word as much as you need to. Whether you meditate or pray when you get up, as you get ready for bed, or in snippets throughout the day, God is always there for you to talk to. He will give you His strength when you feel like you can’t go on, so you can make it through difficult times and into better ones.
Prayer can be part of your day no matter where you are. It is a comfort in difficult times, and a way to connect with God and feel closer to Him wherever you are. His comfort and peace will wash over you when you pray, and He will help you with the courage to do what you need to do each day, even if times aren’t easy at the moment.
God Wants You to Succeed
If you feel like you need a cheerleader in life, and no one seems to be rooting for you, that can make you feel very alone. You want to matter, because feeling like we matter is a big part of being human, and connected to others through our shared experience. But no matter what kind of relationships you have with your fellow human beings, God is always cheering for your success.
The Lord wants to see you happy and content. He wants to see that you’ve reached your goals and realized your dreams. You are here on this planet that this time for a reason. Discovering that reason is important, but so is working toward it and feeling the satisfaction that comes with understanding your purpose here. Let God cheer you on as you move through your daily life.
God Can Help You Understand Others
Understanding others isn’t always easy. Some people seem to have a lot of anger and hate in their hearts. Others are lost or confused, and may take their fears out on the people around them. While you want and need to protect yourself, you also want to understand the experiences of others. Being close to God, and living in His word, can help you have care and patience.
When you see the struggles that others go through, you are more compassionate toward them and their actions. You may even be able to compare some of your own struggles to theirs, and see that we are not so different, after all.
God Will Always Love You
No matter what, God will always love and support you. Whatever you’re going through day, or any day, the Lord will be there with you. Get close to Him, and stay in His word. Not only will that help you have more peace and contentment in your life, but it will bring more joy to your experiences, as well. You can share that joy with others, and bring more people close to God and all His wonderful promises.