Bible Study Topics: Discover More in Your Bible
Bible study topics can help you to learn how faith in Christ can impact your everyday life. When you understand the right topics for you to study in the Bible, you’ll be in better shape to learn the right Bible lesson for your current situation.
Before you just jump right into reading the bible, it’s smart to have a bible reading plan that centers around the right bible study topics for you. Let’s look at some of the different topics you can study in the bible, based on where you are in life right now.
What are the best Bible study topics for beginners?
When you’re new to the idea of bible study, you should start with the four Gospels. Any good bible study plan will help you deepen your faith in Jesus Christ and live your faith in your daily life. Whether you’re looking for bible topics for youth groups or anybody new to the bible, the list below is a good place to start.
· Study the Gospels First – One of the best bible reading plans is to start with the Gospels. This will help introduce you to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the foundation of your Christian faith. Plus, the Gospels are pretty easy to read compared to some of the other books of the bible.
· Read a Little from Different Books Every Day – Some bible study plans will have you read from two to four different books every single day, but you only read a little. Often, these are plans with the goal of reading the entire bible in a year.
· Choose a Specific Bible Reading Plan – There are many different bible reading plans you can choose from that will fit your needs as a beginner. Whether you’re looking for a Catholic reading plan or a non-denominational reading plan, you can find the right one for you.
· Use a Study Bible – You can also get a study bible that will likely come with a bible study plan you can follow. Usually, these types of Bibles are designed for beginners, which makes it very easy to study the bible.
· Consider an Inductive Bible Study – What’s an inductive Bible study? Simply put, this is a bible study approach that focuses on observation, interpretation, and application when reading the bible. Often, this approach can be applied to a shorter passage from the bible and requires more contemplation compared to just reading, which makes it a great choice for beginners.
There are many different ways you can gain spiritual growth by studying the bible, even as a beginner. Sometimes, it’s easiest to start with just one bible study topic, such as the Gospel of Mark. Other times, choosing from one of the beginner study guides is best.
How to choose a Bible study topic that is relevant to your life?
Before you can choose a topical bible study that fits with your life, it’s important to figure out where you are in your journey. Choosing the right bible study topic isn’t always an easy thing. Start by jotting down some of the things you are currently going through during this season of your life.
For example, maybe you just had your first child. The right bible verses to study for this situation are far different from those that fit with a single person trying to find their spouse.
Scripture is filled with great advice and bible verses to study that will fit with your current station in life. Whether you’re simply looking to gain a little bit of spiritual growth or you’re looking to gain a deeper understanding through individual study, there are plenty of bible study resources to consider.
It’s best to figure out the following before you start looking for the right bible study tools for you:
· Are you a man or a woman?
· What is your age?
· Are you married or single?
· Has anything big happened in your life recently?
· Are you grieving something?
· How long have you been a Christian/studied the bible?
· Will you be engaging in a bible study group or individual study?
These questions offer a good starting point to figure out which bible study topics might fit best with your current station in life.
What are the most popular Bible study topics for women?
There are many bible verses to study if you are a woman. The entire bible is open for study regardless of being a man or a woman, but some topics may fit better for women than men. Here are some of the top bible study topics for women.
Beauty and Appearance
While beauty seems like a good thing, it can actually be deceitful. This can be a very interesting bible study topic for women. Some popular scripture to study on beauty and appearance include:
· Mark 11:13
· 1 Samuel 9:2
· 1 Samuel 16:6
· 2 Samuel 14:25
You can also study inward beauty, which is found in many verses throughout the bible including 1 Peter 3:4, Ezekiel 16:14, and Ephesians 5:27.
Another very popular topic for women to study in scripture is vanity. This is talked about in Proverbs 31:30, Isaiah 28:1, and several other places in the book of Proverbs.
Of course, a great topic for women to study when it comes to the bible is motherhood. It’s a main theme throughout the bible and one of the most important things any woman can do in their life. Becoming a mother is a true gift from God and something every woman should study in the bible during their life.
While motherhood is certainly found throughout the bible, some of the common bible verses to study about motherhood include:
· Genesis 3:16
· Genesis 21:16
· Exodus 2:3
· 2 Samuel 21:10
· Isaiah 49:15
· Jeremiah 31:15
· Matthew 15:22
· Matthew 24:19
All of these verses in the bible and many others are great to study if you want to focus on the topic of motherhood.
How Women Should Dress/Modesty
In a society that puts women who dress next to nothing on a pedestal, the topic of modesty or how a woman should dress is an excellent choice when studying the bible. There are many bible verses that address this issue including:
· Isaiah 61:10
· Deuteronomy 22
· Ecclesiastes 9:8
· Ezekiel 44:17
· Matthew 6:28
· 1 Timothy 2:9
· 1 Peter 3:3
You will even find some verses that talk about heavenly apparel including several in the book of the Apocalypse (Revelation) and Matthew 17:2.
Family/Creating a Happy Home
As a woman, when you become a wife and mother, taking care of your family becomes a high priority. This can make for a topical bible study that can appeal to women. Some of the bible verses you want to focus on include:
· Genesis 24:67
· John 19:25
· Colossians 3:19
· Matthew 10:42
· John 21:15
There are many other bible verses to look at, too, but these are some of the best.
Along with these popular topics for women to study in the Bible, you can also study other duties of women including the duties of mothers.
What are the most popular Bible study topics for men?
The topics you might decide to study in the bible as a man may vary, based on your age and station in life. If you’re a single man, you might choose a bible lesson that is more geared towards living as a single person compared to those that are married with children. Of course, a man in high school might study the bible in a different way than a man that just retired from his job.
Men are also tasked with being the spiritual leaders of their family and household. This should lead to a deeper study of God’s word for men and a different bible study method compared to women and children. Of course, this will apply to men that are husbands and fathers than single men, but it’s never too early to get started on learning God’s word on a deeper level.
Regardless of your station in life, you can find the right topic for your bible reading from the list below.
A rather important topic for men to understand is salvation. If you are a husband/father or plan to be one, salvation will fall in your lap as something to teach to your children and to help your wife achieve. When you decide to study the bible, there are many things you can choose, but starting with salvation will help give you a foundation of what the church teaches and what being a Christian is all about.
Some of the best verses to study on salvation include:
· Psalm 11:7
· Psalm 28:4
· Isaiah 3:10
· Isaiah 59:18
· Ezekiel 9:10
· Ezekiel 11:21
· Acts 15:11
· Ephesians 2:5
· Luke 23:41
· John 3:19-21
· Romans 8:13
· 2 Timothy 4:14
· Matthew 7:1-3
· 1 Corinthians 3:15
· Matthew 25:31-46
· 2 Corinthians 11:15
This list could go on and on. It’s important to note, if you decide to study salvation, it goes much deeper than just reading John 3:16 and ending your biblical studies. The entire bible from start to finish has the theme of salvation woven throughout.
Another interesting choice for your topical bible study as a man is evangelization. A big part of this study will be the book of Acts, but there are other areas throughout the New Testament and Old Testament to study the topic of evangelization, too.
Some of the popular verses to study on this topic include:
· Mark 16:15
· Matthew 5:15-16
· Matthew 28:19-20
· Psalm 105:1
· Romans 1:16
· Romans 10:17
· 1 Peter 3:15
· Luke 4:18
Several other bible verses talk about the topic of evangelization, too. Most will be found in the New Testament, but there are some references to this topic in the Old Testament, as well.
As the spiritual leader of the family, it’s important to know how to pray. You and your spouse will be responsible for teaching your children how to pray, so studying this topic, as a man, is a good idea. The Bible is filled with great verses to study on the topic of prayer. Some of the bible characters were better at praying than others and the theme of prayer is found throughout the scriptures.
If you want to study prayer, some of the best bible verses to consider include:
· Jeremiah 29:12
· James 5:13
· Philippians 4:6
· Mark 11:24
· Psalm 141:2
· Romans 12:12
· Matthew 6:6
· 1 Peter 5:7
Many other verses talk about prayer. Of course, as you are studying this topic or any other topic in the bible, you want to make sure you look at the context around each verse. Often, taking one verse without context can lead you to the wrong meaning of the verse. A deeper study including the context around the verse is helpful when trying to discern the true meaning.
The Mother of God
Yes, as a man, you should certainly study the Mother of God, Mary. One of the commandments is to Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother, so a good place to start is with the Mother of God. She is obviously a very important bible character as the actual Mother of Jesus Christ.
Some of the verses in the bible that talk about Mary, the Mother of God include:
· Luke 1:38-45
· John 2:5
· Acts 1:14
· John 19:25
· Luke 1:28 – 31
· Luke 2:19
· Luke 2:51
· Mark 6:3
Many other verses, specifically in the Gospels talk about the Mother of God. Of course, you may also want to focus on Joseph, but there isn’t as much reference in the bible to Joseph, the adopted father of Christ.
Many other great topics work well for a men’s bible study group or for individual study. You can study other topics, such as Christian Character, the Basics of a Christian Life, the Basis of Truth, and more.
What are the most popular Bible study topics for couples?
Whether you’re a married couple or a dating couple, studying the bible together is a great way to build a solid foundation for your relationship. There are many bible study topics to choose from when you want to study as a couple. Some of the best options include:
Of course, a very popular choice for a couple’s bible study is the topic of family. Any couple, whether dating or married, should have the end goal of having children. After all, the first commandment in scripture is, “But increase you and multiply, and go upon the earth and fill it.” (Genesis 9:7)
Many verses in the bible speak about family including:
· Exodus 20:12
· Psalm 127:3-5
· Acts 16:31-34
· Colossians 3:13-15, 21-22
· Genesis 31:49-50
· Proverbs 31:25-26
· 1 Timothy 5:8
· Joshua 24:15
Many other bible verses discuss the family and make for a great study for couples.
Biblical Marriage
With modern society’s view on marriage becoming more perverted by the day, it’s incredibly important for Christian couples to study the topic of biblical marriage. There is quite a bit to cover with marriage from communication to building a strong foundation to the truth about Christian marriage.
While this topic is probably worthy of several sub-topics, the following verses are a good place to start:
· Proverbs 3:3-4
· Proverbs 3:33
· Joshua 1:9
· Proverbs 16:24
· Ephesians 4:32
· Philippians 2:3-4
· Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
· Proverbs 5:18
· Colossians 4:6
· Mark 10:6-8
· 1 Peter 3:7
· Hebrews 13:4-5
All of these verses and many more cover the topic of biblical marriage. It’s a rather common theme throughout the entire bible.
Another important topic you can study as a couple is intercourse. The Bible talks about this topic throughout with many verses worth studying including:
· Genesis 2:24
· 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
· Hebrews 13:4
· Colossians 3:5
· Matthew 5:27-29
· 2 Corinthians 12:21
· Ephesians 5:3
· Ephesians 5:33
· Galatians 5:19
These verses and many others talk about intercourse in a biblical marriage and outside of marriage. It’s important for couples to study this topic from the bible.
What are the most popular Bible study topics for youth groups?
When you are in charge of leading a youth group, coming up with the right bible study topics isn’t always easy. There are bible study courses you can follow, but you might want to come up with your own topics based on the age range in your youth group.
Of course, the topics you cover will be different if your age range is 8 to 12 compared to 14 to 17 or high school students. Take this into consideration and consider the following bible study topics for your youth group.
The Parables
The parables are a great place to start with a youth group. They are found throughout the four Gospels and make for a very interesting bible study for youth groups.
The Miracles
Jesus performed many miracles throughout the Gospels and God performed several in the Old Testament, too. Studying the many miracles throughout the bible can be rather fascinating for younger Christians looking for hope and power in their everyday lives.
A rather unique topic to discuss with a youth group is obedience. This is a common theme throughout the bible and there are many good stories about obedience that apply to children and adults of all ages.
The Holy Spirit
Often, younger Christians can find the Holy Spirit to be a bit confusing. As a youth group bible study topic, this can be a good choice. There are plenty of things to study about the Holy Spirit throughout the bible.
Another topic that can work great for the right youth group is forgiveness. There are many stories of repentance and forgiveness throughout the bible.
Any of these bible study topics can be turned into a series of lessons to use for a youth group.
How to create a Bible study topic on a specific book of the Bible
One of the popular bible study methods is to pick a specific book of the bible and study it. This usually requires the right bible study guide or a commentary to help you figure out what each section or verse of the book means.
With the right study guide, you can get all the help you need. It can also be helpful to study a book of the Bible with a mentor or someone that has studied it before.
Any book of the bible will work well as a bible study topic. It might be easier to start with a book from the New Testament, if you’re a beginner, such as one of the Gospels. However, you might find it easier to study the books of the bible from start to finish.
How to create a Bible study topic for families
Most bible study plans are created with men, women, couples, or children in mind. It’s hard to find one that will fit the entire family, as each role a person plays in the family is different.
If you specifically want to start studying the bible as a family, ensure the questions and discussion are geared towards each age in your family.
Sticking to your family bible study can be difficult. It has to become a priority or you might not make time for it. You don’t have to spend hours as a family studying the bible, however. Start with 15 minutes and up the time as your children get older.
There are many bible study topics to consider when you want to grow closer to Christ. Use this article as a guide to choose the right topics for you based on where you are at in life right now.