Verse of the Day

Revelation 5:4
And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.
Reflections On The Scripture: In the grand landscape of life, it is true that often we find ourselves bewildered, clutching a book of our destiny that we don't have the strength or wisdom to open. When we weep, we must remember that our tears represent our humility and the recognition of our need for assistance beyond our human capabilities. Revelation 5:4 beautifully illustrates how even in our utmost despair, deliverance is near. Despite feeling unworthy and incapable, we must reassure ourselves that there exists a divine power; a majestic authority who holds the ability to unlock the book and read our destinities. We needn't despair; instead, let us rejoice in the surety of our redemption and wait with hopeful hearts for the worthy one to open the book. Hold onto your hope, keep that faith burning and remember that you are part of an amazing divine plan.

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