Verse of the Day

Matthew 19:14
“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.””
Reflections On The Scripture: This sacred verse resonates with a profound truth; Jesus emphasizes a divine invitation to pure innocence, unpretentious faith and the natural receptivity that children exude. Implicit in His words is an admonishment for us to shed off our layers of worldliness, pride, and cynicism. We ought to approach Him with the same purity, trusting openness, and humble transparency that these blessed little ones embody. It's a powerful reminder that entering the 'Kingdom of Heaven' is not about age, accomplishments or intellectual prowess, but rather about embracing simplicity in our faith and purity in our deeds, much like the little children. The kingdom of Heaven is not one of complication, but one of simplicity wrapped in God's profound love.

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