Prayer Request

Unequally Yoked, Selfish Intentions, Relationship Help, Abortion
I'm a new believer. I have only accepted God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit into my life about a year ago. I am still learning what sins are, and as I learn, I find I have committed so many. My partner is also a believer. We pray often together but I feel as though we're doing our relationship wrong. We moved in together within our first year, but we aren't married yet. I have no outside family I can comfortably rely on, and my parents aren't in the picture. I was living in my van for two years before we met, and in attempt to get me off the street I live with him now. I know it's not right to live together and not be married. But I'm not sure what other options I have right now. We have love for each other, but it's being overshadowed by his previous combat PTSD, and loss of both of our jobs. A week before we both lost our jobs I got pregnant too. I learned that I am too high risk to have a baby due to a medical condition. I am also not ready to be a mother. I had a medical abortion
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Cocoa Beach, FL, USA
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