Prayer Request

treatmlent and healing
-salvation for husband, reading and considering decision, regarding the Gospel. Same for wife, who will be doing the same shortly. Reconciliation w/this newly married couple, severe problems, both have lots of past hurts. -successful tumor removal surgery, for minister, today. Especially for no facial paralysis. -healing for Christan husband, w/heart congestive failure, uncontrollable high blood pressure, etc. strength and comfort for wife -deliverance of long term, severe depression for Christian widow, never dealt w/death of husband. For her to get more involved in church, activities outside of house, etc.... Paise- she has returned to her second family- her church growth group on a regular basis, thank you for previous prayers for her -for adult autistic son to get on SSI, and healing for Christian grandmother taking care of him, recoverin from severe stroke. Thank you!
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Escondido
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