Prayer Request

Hello Pastor Joel Osteen!!! How are you doing on this beautiful blessed Saturday afternoon? My name is Ashton Brianna Dickerson. I'm 24 years old. I'm from Lucedale Mississippi,39452.. I am recent living in Marrietta Georgia and i am current homeless and having no where to lay my head. i am asking for salvation and forgiveness and for our good jealous amazing to please open doors that no man or no woman can open but the lord Jesus Christ. i am asking him to please take the taste of any illegal substance out of my mind, heart , soul, and him to please guide me where he wants me to go and not what i want but WHAT he WANTS and to send me the holy spirit my way and him to please DELIVER ME and give me the family i always wanted and maybe a child one day and him to protect my heart and JESUS I NEED PLEASE DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME.. PLEASE BLESS EVERYONE AND THOSE I HAVE I HURT PLEASE HOPE THEY FORGIVE ME AND I FORGIVE THOSE THAT HAVE HURT ME IN MY PAST AND PLEASE HEAVENLY FATHER I NEED YOU
Name: Ashton Brianna
City/State: Marrietta Georgia,30060 United States
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