Prayer Request

Pt. 2:Unequally Yoked, Selfish Intentions, Relationship Help, Abortion
I had a medical abortion. At the time I felt so many things. Guilty for sure was one, but I know it would have done harm to myself or the baby to carry it to term anyway. I prayed and prayed. I asked for forgiveness and I don't think God has abandoned me. However, I still feel the loss and now a wedge has come between me and my current partner. We're not communicating as much anymore and the intimacy has dried up. I feel that this has all to do with my sins that I have been repeatedly committing. I feel horrible because I'm still learning about sin, and I just need prayer for things to begin to work out in God's favor for me. I'm not the best at reading signs or hearing his voice clearly. I want to just follow Jesus and God and do what they want me to do. I just need complete redirection in my life. I want God to speak to me clearly.
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Cocoa Beach
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