Prayer Request

Please pray that conviction would fall upon my husband who has been having a long term affair and has shown no Godly sorrow for it and zero in the way of repentance. He has expressed that he is leaving me - his wife of 37 yrs for this other woman young enough to be his daughter. He is a Pastor (resigned now in the last month or so when all came to light) Please pray that the bondage he is in to sin would be broken in the mighty name of Jesus and that he would be delivered and return to Jesus as his first love and then all else will fall into proper place. I believe things are happening in the spiritual realm and pray that they would continue and deliverance and repentance would be now! He sent a text indicating some feelings of confusion I believe---so that may be the start to all the schemes of the enemy to be unravelling - I pray so - in the mighty name of Jesus.
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Portland, OR, USA
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