Prayer Request

Hi, over the last 2 months God has shown me several things. One he asked me to pray and fast for someone who issupposed to be my wife. I've never met this person up to this time and never heard from her, but God said I would hear from her. I had no idea how but just as he said it has happened several times and I don't know how she got my information to contact me. I even felt God lead me on a 30 days of fasting in prayer and also there's been some other stuff that I have been doing cuz works comes with faith I feel like I'm being called to evangelize a certain area. Most people don't go to. Now. I've never asked for a wife or looks for one. I never asked anything. I just prayed four days before it called. If I'm going to go back into ministry I thought something else. But God said it's this. So I'm just praying for guidance and for this person. I'm praying for that. God reveals to all her heart what he is telling me. I just think it's
Name: Dennis
City/State: Kansas city
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