Prayer Request

God’s plan
Hi, my name is Jamie and I have asked for prayer before. My prayer request is this- I have been praying and pursuing God's plan for my life for the last couple of years. The thing is, I'm not exactly sure what God wants me to do, even though I have been pursuing this one idea that's been a dream of mine for the last few years and I'm not exactly sure if it's what He wants me to do. Please pray for clear direction and guidance on it as I'm becoming depressed by not knowing what the Lord would have me do. I'm in my 30's and I should know what God wants for me and I should be doing what he called me to do. Right? Sometimes it feels like He doesn't have any plans for me, but I know that's not true. Pray that the Lord will open my eyes and show me what it is He has for me. Thanks, Jamie
Name: Jamie
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