Prayer Request

Financial and Spiritual Crisis
Hello. My name is Lawrence. I have recently been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I have been dealing with this condition for many many years but never knew the warning signs or symptoms. Through my depressed mind and anxiety, I have made bad decisions and I have moved away from the protection of God. I'm desperately making attempts to get back to being under the grace of God. I have made terrible decisions financially and I don't know what to do or where to turn to. I am currently in therapy and working with psychologists and therapists Monday through Friday to help heal my mind. I also need the love of and guidance of Jesus. I realize that everyday when I rise, it's a blessing from God. I'm truly lost and I can't imagine or see my life beyond the current day. I don't know what will happen. Because of my poor decisions I'm afraid to dream of a happy future only because I'm afraid that I will fail once again. In Jesus' name please help me.
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Glenview, IL, USA
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