Prayer Request

I am asking that my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ pray for the whole family and extended family of mine, past and present. I come from a family in torment of abandonment issues, mental and emotional abuse, and feelings of being unloved. I, myself, suffered from major depression and believed the lies of our enemy within my mind at one point not that long ago and was ready to take my own life. God saved me from myself, the voice of lies within my mind and anxiety/depression. As I grow in God's Holy Spirit today, I am the first of my family who understands the true love that God has for us as His children and the first to experience the power of God's Spirit within. Many claim to be believers and even call themselves Christians, yet, do not understand the full meaning of salvation. It shows through one's lifestyle. As I speak out in my salvation, my family still hesitates in fear and doubt. I ask those to pray my family's curse to be broken and unity restored in God's love. Amen
Name: Anonymous
City/State: West Jefferson
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