Prayer Request

Desperately in need of prayer!
Hello! My name is Caeley. I recently graduated from college this last December and I feel like my life has been headed downhill! I'm feeling lonely, unsupported, and at a loss for words on what to do with my life. I feel so hopeless. I lack friends and have lost most over the years due to distance and betrayal on their side. My relationship has been having a lot of issues lately. I'm not getting along with my parents and I desperately want to move out but I'm feeling lost since everything is so expensive here! I also feel like I don't know what to do with my career path. I work remotely for a health insurance company and I don't feel fulfilled, maybe I'm lacking the social life that I used to get at my old restaurant job? I'm not sure but I always feel like I'm put on the back burner by everyone around me, including my loved ones. It's starting to take a toll on me and I'm just lost in life. I pray and pray and pray but hear no answers. Your prayers are greatly appreciated, thank you!
Name: Anonymous
City/State: San Diego
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