Prayer Request

Warfare Against Ritual Murders & Godly Wisdom & Guidance For Victims
Hi. Please cover the following people in prayer as long as you can. They are young people who are fornicating and caught up in love of the world, but have had devastating things happen to them: Rosemary and her son need protection from the curse on their bloodline and from her either mother or grandmother who is practicing witchcraft against them, that had Rosemary's other son massacred. Rosemary thinks she can leave out the parts of the bible that are inconvenient for her and she's fornicating. There are blinders on her eyes that I think have been placed on her by the guy she's dating. I pray for God to open her spiritual eyes and for him to place it on her heart to seek him with ALL her heart and put him first above all else, and for God to comfort her and heal her wounds from her son getting murdered and for God to give her spiritual discernment and godly wisdom. Please pray for a young girl named Emily and her husband, their uncle who lives with them, and their daughter Ashl
Name: Anonymous
City/State: Anonymous
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