Prayer Request

Restore my life
I have had many bad and evil things happen to me throughout my life, I believe I was cursed when I was married at 18. My children was in there room sleeping ages 2 and 3 and I was on the couch when this weird storm popped up but only seem to be around my house the wind was ferocious, my back door witch was locked flew open and something with hooves came in and walked down the hallway heavily, I was petrified and couldn't move it entered the kitchen and I heard hooves heavy breathing and snarling, I could not see it because my back was from kitchen, it picked up my phone and dialed numbers snarled a guttural sound, slammed my phone down and went back down the hallway and out back door, the storm stopped immediately. After this happened for the next 36 years my life has been a horrible struggle. Please help me.
Name: Elizabeth
City/State: Muscatine, IA, USA
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