Prayer Request

Protection at work dealing with patronizing boss.
Please pray for God's protection and favor to be with me that I'm dealing with a brand new CEO with zero experience, he patronizes/belittles me every day, and he's corrupted by using over-budgeted money to hire outside contractors to help him rather than hire full-time employees with low budgets; he abuses power by writing company's check to pay whoever he wants against company's policy. He dismissed my authority when I called out to him that he shall follow the company's policy by not writing checks by himself or stop wasting the company's money on outside contractors and give equal hiring opportunities to full-time positions for people, he retaliated by demanding me to take times off and took away my authorities at work and let all his contractors talking directly to my team members without my approval and grouped other managers to against me, like they're the superior ones and on purposely single me out among the equal position managers. May God protect me from being victim in this
Name: Jenn
City/State: 95051
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